Sphynx Breed Standard

Head: Size: medium. Shape: triangular, rounded and large. Skull: slightly rounded, with flat forehead Profile: the nose has a slight to medium stop Cheeks: prominent Snout and chin: The snout is strong and rounded, with a marked whiskers zone and the chin must be firm and well develope.

Neck: Length: medium Shape: rounded with strong muzzles Particularity: it must be a bit curve from the shoulders to the base of the skull. It must be strong, especially in males.

Ears: Shape: wide base and very open Size: very big Emplacement: straight, not too high, nor too low on the head Particularity: hairless on the inside and slightly hairy on the outside.

Eyes: Shape: rounded, lemon shaped Size: Big.

Body: TSize: medium Long: variable, from medium to slightly long Chest: wide, but can be barrel like Abdomen: rounded, like the cat just has eaten a lot. Constitution: medium Muscles: well developed.

Tail: Shape: flexible and live, narrower at the end Longitude: proportional to the body.

Legs: Longitude: proportional to the body. Back legs are longer than the front ones. Front ones are very separated. Constitution: medium Muscles: strong and muscular.

Claws:Shape: oval with long and elegant fingers Size: Medium Pads: thinker than in other breeds. That’s why they seem flow. Fingers: long and well developed.

Hair and Skin: Longitude: to thin to be seen Texture: velvet like. Peach sensation. Whiskers: Short and curved or inexistent Wrinkles: kittens have more than adults. They should not loose them when growing, specially on the head, but should not be excessive, as it could affect negatively it’s activity.

Disadvantages: : Cats are too small. The body is thin, fragile or too funny. The body is too large and rustic. Wrinkles are scarce in the head. The profile is straight. The head is narrow. The character is rebellious. Lots of hair is above the ankle.

Disqualifying: LSuspecting Cornish or hairless Devon Rex. Signals of hair-removal, cut or other hair eliminating procedures. Aggressive cats, that don’t let the judge handle them.

Scoring: HEAD – 35 pts. Shape and Size – 5 pts. Snout and chin – 5 pts. Profile – 5 pts. Cheeks – 5 pts. Eyes – 5 pts. Ears – 10pts. BODY – 35 pts. Chest – 10pts. Abdomen – 10 pts. Legs – 5 pts. Tail – 5 pts. Neck – 5 pts. Hair and Body – 25 pts. Color – 5 pts.

Feline titles and abbreviations:

A cat may participate in feline shows from 3 months old, but he can only obtain Championship points from 10 months old, when he is considered an adult. Categories are divided by age:

3 months – 6 months Kitten / Cachorro
Class 12
6 months – 10 months Junior / Joven
Class 11
Mayor de 10 meses Adult /Adulto
Classes 1-10

An Adult cat starts to compete in Class 9 (Open Class) and after having obtained 3 CAC points in this Class, from 3 different judges, in 3 different FIFE national or international shows, passes to Class 7 (Champion). And from that on. Once achieved the Supreme Champion title, there are no higher categories:

Open Class 9 With: 3 CAC points from 3 Judges passes to
Champion Class 7 With: 3 CACIB points from 3 Judges in 2 countries passes to
International Champion
Class 5 With: 6 CAGCIB points from 3 Judges in 3 countries to
Grand International Champion Class 3 With: 9 CACE points from 3 judges in 3 countries passes
Supreme Champion Class 1 No points are achieved, just Honour Prize

When the cat is sterilized he’ll enter the Neuter Category, and starts the whole Championship again:

Neuter Class 10 With: 3 CAP points from 3 Judges passes to
Premior Class 8 With: 3 CAPIB points from 3 Judges in 2 different countries passes to
Premior International Class 6 With: 6 CAGPIB points from 3 Judges in 3 countries passes to
Gran Premior Intenational Class 4 With: 9 CAPE points from 3 Judges in 3 countries passes to
Premior de Europa Class 2 No points achieved, just Honor Prize

The countries with special geografic situation like isles or some peninsulas, have different rules regarding the points to be achieved in the different categories. The category or title of a cat is the correspondent of the class it is competing at the moment. These are the abbreviations:

Campeón Champion CH.
Campeón Internacional Champion International CH. INT. / I.C.
Gran Campeón Internacional Grand International Champion GR. CH. INT.
Campeón de Europa European Champion CH. EUR. / E.C.

For neuters the titles are:

Premior Premier PR.
Premior Internacional Premier International PR. INT. / I.P.
Gran Premior Internacional Grand International Premier GR. PR. INT.
Premior de Europa European Premier PR. EUR. / E.P.

The Distinguished Merit title (DM) is for: Females that gave birth to 5 IC/IP or DM Males that produced 10 IC/IP or DM DM abbreviation is put after the cat’s name.

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